Prints receipts after checkout?
- Do you wish the printer automatically print receipts after the customer checkout, or would you prefer to be prompted to do so.
Prints order dockets after checkout?
- Do you wish the printer automatically print order dockets after the customer checkout, or would you prefer to be prompted to do so.
Tap Confirm prints order docket?
- Do you wish to print order dockets after tapping the Confirm button.
Prints items moved notification?
- Do you wish to print moved notification when orders transfer to other tables or adding more items into an existing order.
Prints items void notification?
- Do you wish to print a notification when an order is voided?
Tap Confirm prints bill?
- Do you wish to print a bill after tapping the Confirm button?
Tap Payment prints bill?
- Do you wish to print a bill after tapping the Payment button?
Tap Payment prints order docket?
- Do you wish to print order dockets after tapping the Payment button?
Prints EFTPOS receipt?
- Do you wish to print EFTPOS receipts on your printer?
Prints logo on receipt?
- Do you wish to print a logo on receipt to make it more recognizable?
Prints Order# on receipt?
- Do you wish to print the order number on the receipt?